

Additive characters of finite rings and fields #

This file collects some results on additive characters whose domain is (the additive group of) a finite ring or field.

Main definitions and results #

We define an additive character ψ to be primitive if mulShift ψ a is trivial only when a = 0.

We show that when ψ is primitive, then the map a ↦ mulShift ψ a is injective (AddChar.to_mulShift_inj_of_isPrimitive) and that ψ is primitive when R is a field and ψ is nontrivial (AddChar.IsNontrivial.isPrimitive).

We also show that there are primitive additive characters on R (with suitable target R') when R is a field or R = ZMod n (AddChar.primitiveCharFiniteField and AddChar.primitiveZModChar).

Finally, we show that the sum of all character values is zero when the character is nontrivial (and the target is a domain); see AddChar.sum_eq_zero_of_isNontrivial.

Tags #

additive character

def AddChar.IsPrimitive {R : Type u} [CommRing R] {R' : Type v} [CommMonoid R'] (ψ : AddChar R R') :

An additive character is primitive iff all its multiplicative shifts by nonzero elements are nontrivial.

Instances For

    The map associating to a : R the multiplicative shift of ψ by a is injective when ψ is primitive.

    theorem AddChar.IsNontrivial.isPrimitive {R' : Type v} [CommMonoid R'] {F : Type u} [Field F] {ψ : AddChar F R'} (hψ : AddChar.IsNontrivial ψ) :

    When R is a field F, then a nontrivial additive character is primitive

    def AddChar.PrimitiveAddChar (R : Type u) [CommRing R] (R' : Type v) [Field R'] :
    Type (max u v)

    Definition for a primitive additive character on a finite ring R into a cyclotomic extension of a field R'. It records which cyclotomic extension it is, the character, and the fact that the character is primitive.

    Instances For
      noncomputable def AddChar.PrimitiveAddChar.n {R : Type u} [CommRing R] {R' : Type v} [Field R'] :

      The first projection from PrimitiveAddChar, giving the cyclotomic field.

      Instances For

        The second projection from PrimitiveAddChar, giving the character.

        Instances For

          The third projection from PrimitiveAddChar, showing that χ.char is primitive.

          Additive characters on ZMod n #

          def AddChar.zmodChar {C : Type v} [CommMonoid C] (n : ℕ+) {ζ : C} (hζ : ζ ^ n = 1) :
          AddChar (ZMod n) C

          We can define an additive character on ZMod n when we have an nth root of unity ζ : C.

          Instances For
            theorem AddChar.zmodChar_apply {C : Type v} [CommMonoid C] {n : ℕ+} {ζ : C} (hζ : ζ ^ n = 1) (a : ZMod n) :
            (AddChar.zmodChar n ) a = ζ ^ ZMod.val a

            The additive character on ZMod n defined using ζ sends a to ζ^a.

            theorem AddChar.zmodChar_apply' {C : Type v} [CommMonoid C] {n : ℕ+} {ζ : C} (hζ : ζ ^ n = 1) (a : ) :
            (AddChar.zmodChar n ) a = ζ ^ a
            theorem AddChar.zmod_char_isNontrivial_iff {C : Type v} [CommMonoid C] (n : ℕ+) (ψ : AddChar (ZMod n) C) :

            An additive character on ZMod n is nontrivial iff it takes a value ≠ 1 on 1.

            theorem AddChar.IsPrimitive.zmod_char_eq_one_iff {C : Type v} [CommMonoid C] (n : ℕ+) {ψ : AddChar (ZMod n) C} (hψ : AddChar.IsPrimitive ψ) (a : ZMod n) :
            ψ a = 1 a = 0

            A primitive additive character on ZMod n takes the value 1 only at 0.

            theorem AddChar.zmod_char_primitive_of_eq_one_only_at_zero {C : Type v} [CommMonoid C] (n : ) (ψ : AddChar (ZMod n) C) (hψ : ∀ (a : ZMod n), ψ a = 1a = 0) :

            The converse: if the additive character takes the value 1 only at 0, then it is primitive.

            The additive character on ZMod n associated to a primitive nth root of unity is primitive

            noncomputable def AddChar.primitiveZModChar (n : ℕ+) (F' : Type v) [Field F'] (h : n 0) :

            There is a primitive additive character on ZMod n if the characteristic of the target does not divide n

            Instances For

              Existence of a primitive additive character on a finite field #

              noncomputable def AddChar.primitiveCharFiniteField (F : Type u_1) (F' : Type u_2) [Field F] [Finite F] [Field F'] (h : ringChar F' ringChar F) :

              There is a primitive additive character on the finite field F if the characteristic of the target is different from that of F. We obtain it as the composition of the trace from F to ZMod p with a primitive additive character on ZMod p, where p is the characteristic of F.

              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
              Instances For

                The sum of all character values #

                theorem AddChar.sum_eq_zero_of_isNontrivial {R : Type u_1} [AddGroup R] [Fintype R] {R' : Type u_2} [CommRing R'] [IsDomain R'] {ψ : AddChar R R'} (hψ : AddChar.IsNontrivial ψ) :
                (Finset.sum Finset.univ fun (a : R) => ψ a) = 0

                The sum over the values of a nontrivial additive character vanishes if the target ring is a domain.

                theorem AddChar.sum_eq_card_of_is_trivial {R : Type u_1} [AddGroup R] [Fintype R] {R' : Type u_2} [CommRing R'] {ψ : AddChar R R'} (hψ : ¬AddChar.IsNontrivial ψ) :
                (Finset.sum Finset.univ fun (a : R) => ψ a) = (Fintype.card R)

                The sum over the values of the trivial additive character is the cardinality of the source.

                theorem AddChar.sum_mulShift {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] [Fintype R] [DecidableEq R] {R' : Type u_2} [CommRing R'] [IsDomain R'] {ψ : AddChar R R'} (b : R) (hψ : AddChar.IsPrimitive ψ) :
                (Finset.sum Finset.univ fun (x : R) => ψ (x * b)) = (if b = 0 then Fintype.card R else 0)

                The sum over the values of mulShift ψ b for ψ primitive is zero when b ≠ 0 and #R otherwise.