

The generalize_proofs tactic #

Generalize any proofs occurring in the goal or in chosen hypotheses, replacing them by named hypotheses so that they can be referred to later in the proof easily. Commonly useful when dealing with functions like Classical.choose that produce data from proofs.

For example:

example : List.nthLe [1, 2] 1 dec_trivial = 2 := by
  -- ⊢ [1, 2].nthLe 1 _ = 2
  generalize_proofs h,
  -- h : 1 < [1, 2].length
  -- ⊢ [1, 2].nthLe 1 h = 2

State for the generalize proofs tactic, contains the remaining names to be used and the list of generalizations so far

Instances For
    @[inline, reducible]

    Monad used by the generalizeProofs tactic, carries an expr cache and state with names to use and previous generalizations

    Instances For

      Recursively generalize proofs occurring in e

      Generalize proofs in the goal, naming them with the provided list.

      For example:

      example : List.nthLe [1, 2] 1 dec_trivial = 2 := by
        -- ⊢ [1, 2].nthLe 1 _ = 2
        generalize_proofs h,
        -- h : 1 < [1, 2].length
        -- ⊢ [1, 2].nthLe 1 h = 2
      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For